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szukane wyrażenie: scholastyka | znaleziono 3 opisów(-y) | strona: 1 spośród: 1

autor: Dolhai, L.
tytuł: Fede e sacramenti. L'insegnamento della tradizione
Teologia w Polsce 13,2 (2019) 79-94          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: wiarasakramentfides quaefides quascholastykaopus operatumopus operantisSacrosanctum concilium

There are many negative phenomena in the sacramental life which point out to a disturbed relationship between lived faith and the sacraments. On one hand, we see a growing decrease of attendance to the sacraments in the western world. On the other hand, the sacramental practice in the western world is often not a conscious expression of faith. We see many flaws from the point of view of the fides qua and from that of the fides quae as well. The explanation of the faith-sacraments relationship has become an urgent question. We should deal with the topic in the actual context of the Church, but in the light of the Church's tradition. First of all it is very useful to analyze the works of the Fathers (cfr. chapters I, II, III). The Fathers are witnesses of the faith of the first centuries vitally inserted in the tradition which derives from the Apostles. In fact they have joined together sacred scripture, theology, liturgy, spiritual and pastoral life in a vital unity through which their works can help us and also the Church of the third millenium. The pristina Sanctorum Patrum norma (cfr. SC 50) is to be considered the norm and the inspiring rule for the Church of today as well. Also the scholastic synthesis (Thomas Aquinas) helps us to give an answer to our main question. In the explanation of St. Thomas we find a clear thesis as a point of departure: "The Church is founded upon faith and its sacraments", and expressly qualifies the sacraments as sacramenta fidei. We should also know the Reformation and the teaching of the Council of Trent. We will see that the historic analysis of the relationship between faith and the sacraments helps us to find the answer to the subject of the Church's problem in our days. As a final conclusion it is worth analyzing the Sacrosanctum concilium n. 59.

autor: Drzyżdżyk, S.
tytuł: Niepokalane Poczęcie Maryi jako problem teologiczny w okresie scholastyki
Teologia w Polsce 3,1 (2009) 63-87          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: mariologianiepokalane poczęciehistoria teologiischolastyka

December 8, 2009 marks the 155th anniversary of the proclamation of a dogma of the Immaculate Conception of St. Mary. Such an anniversary is an occasion to come back to this difficult issue of theology and recollect the discussions and debates which resulted in Pius IX's bull Ineffabilis Deus, followed by the proclamation of his dogma. The problem of original sanctity of the Mother of God became an issue of special interest to theo-logians who study Mariology. Reflection on the sanctity of Mary was the very source of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception. This was closely related to introducing such notions as being preserved from sin - praeservatio and preservative redemption - praeredemptio. Theologians began to study this issue as the feast of St. Mary's Conception was spreading form East to West. The basic problem that theology faced in order to properly interpret this issue was the teaching about the generality of the original sin, and as a result, the need of general redemption. Another problem at that time was anthro-pology, according to which man was given a soul only after some time following the conception. John Duns Scot, a Franciscan monk, proposed a solution. His arguments, just as the arguments of his opponents, were based on the special dignity of Christ. His understanding of it, however, was that that taking St. Mary out of the general rule of sin will not deprive Christ of his glory, but multiply it. By "freeing" God's activity from time frames he maintained that St. Mary in conceiving Christ was saved from sin, and this happened because of the expected merits of her Son's Passion.

autor: Kwiatkowski, B.D.
tytuł: Ocena chrystologii scholastycznej w pismach G. Moiolego
Teologia w Polsce 3,1 (2009) 89-96          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: historia teologiichrystologiascholastykaMoioli, Giovanni

Negli ultimi decenni abbiamo osservato una grande fioritura delle proposte cristologiche. Nella ricerca della più genuina visione dell'identità e della missione di Gesù Cristo il suo posto trova un teologo milanese, Giovanni Moioli. Nel presente articolo viene ap-profondito il tema della sua critica rivolta alla cristologia scolastica. La critica di Moioli, che tocca tale cristologia, riguarda soprattutto il suo fondamento, cioè l'unione ipostatica in quanto la base delle deduzioni e conclusioni teologiche. Il secondo bersaglio della critica è la questione dell'amartiocentrismo divulgato nell'ambito della teologia occidentale da sant'Anselmo. In confronto con s. Anselmo, s. Tommaso d'Aquino sembra molto più aperto e mitigante l'amartiocentrismo del teologo di Aosta. Il fatto di criticare la scolastica, e molto di più la manualistica, funge da preludio del modello cristologico proposto da Moioli, cioè della "cristologia di Gesù" oppure della "cristologia della singolarità di Ge-sù". Essa salvaguarderebbe sia la sua storicità che l'universalità del suo evento singolare.

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