Teologia w Polsce - Półrocznik Towarzystwa Teologów Dogmatyków. Nowa seria

 11,2 (2017)

(table of contents)



artykułów / items: 13

Beyga, P., Problem obecności i teologii języka łacińskiego w liturgii rzymskiej, Teologia w Polsce 11,2 (2017) s. 153-166
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Fiftieth anniversary of completing the II Vatican Council works allows us to look critically on theology and the post-conciliar achievements in topic of liturgy. The article regards chosen theological aspects of Latin as a liturgical language. On the one hand the Latin language in the liturgy is liturgical problem in theological debate, but on the other hand we can find a theological arguments for using this language. In the article the author also tried to show the timeliness of problems regarding liturgical theology fifty years after the last Council.
odsłon: 1017

Czura, T., Znaki nowego paradygmatu maryjnego w teologii symbolicznej, Teologia w Polsce 11,2 (2017) s. 111-124
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The article presents the elements of new marialogical paradigm which signs appear in ecclesial's symbolism. The analysis is mainly based on Italian sources by Bruno Forte, who is the creator of mariological symbolism. The Author of the article doesn't limit himself only to summarising Forte's idea, but he also exposes the foundations of new mariological paradigm which origin starts in ecclesial's symbolism. It is based on esthetic compiling of traditional mariological content. Thanks to this, we can talk about mariological aesthetics, which the main axis is focused on appreciating the concrete idea on the one hand, and rooting in The Trinity's internal life on the other hand. Virgin Mary reveals "Everything" in "part", but not for the price of removing the fragmental. In this way, the balance between historical message and dogmatic aspect of Revelation is achieved. Brunon Forte, within ecclesial's symbolism, presents solid basics for us to be able to consider new marialogical paradigm and he shows the way for further studies in this field.
odsłon: 305

Dobrzeniecki, M., Problem zła w teologii współczesnej, Teologia w Polsce 11,2 (2017) s. 167-182
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The paper tries to analyze the views of some of the contemporary theologians on the problem of evil. This problem for centuries was the most convincing argument of atheists in favour of the non-existence of God, and therefore the answers to this problem of today's theologians are of great importance, especially in the context of the rationality of faith. The conclusion of the paper indicates that the most popular standpoint of today's theology is the so called sceptical theism (agnosticism). The author argues also, that this point of view is alien to the theological tradition (especially to the theology of the Fathers of the Church) and he indicates at its weaknesses. The paper signals also, that the distinction: global and local evil could help theology in solving the current impasse.
odsłon: 310

Dudkiewicz, M., Romano Guardiniego podstawy teo-logii, Teologia w Polsce 11,2 (2017) s. 183-202
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Romano Guardini, one of the greatest theologians of the 20th century, can be called a 'man of borders'. Guardini was born in Italy but lived in Germany. He was an educated theologian and philosopher, with a passion for knowledge of literature, art, psychology and pedagogy. Being a 'man of borders' has resulted in a comprehensive and wide-eyed glance at God, world, man, and their reciprocal relation to life, which has contributed to the development of deep religious culture of his lifetime.
This article attempts to present the basics of Guardini's theology. Precisely, it concerns a narrow range of theology derived directly from etymology. The foundations of the Munich Professor's theology about the 'word about God' lie in the creative tension expressed in the words 'Close God - Remote God'. Being the God that can be defined as unknown, completely different, outside the 'boundary', God is also at the same time a close God - in the revealed mystery of creation, in the image and likeness of God, in the relationship 'me - You' to which He invites. Also in the mystery of Providence. The culmination of God's closeness is the Incarnation, thanks to which we can speak of a 'human' God whom we can 'see'. The summary of the article constitutes a presentation of God's paradoxes oscillating between the poles of proximity and distance.
odsłon: 298

Jagodziński, M., Kultura - ewangelizacja kultury - inkulturacja wiary, Teologia w Polsce 11,2 (2017) s. 5-17
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Because of the communicational-communional nature of the human person and of the Church, always existing in relation to God, people and the world, the faith and life of the Church are essentially related to culture. This relationship is always very dynamic and there must be constant strive to give it the right shape. This is the purpose of the theological reflection on culture itself and on the mutual relations between faith and culture, which appreciates and promotes contemporary models and strategies of action known as evangelization of culture and the inculturation of the faith.
odsłon: 1256

Kasprzak, A.A., Nécessité d'une conversion philosophique et trois points de blocages à dépasser dans la conviction pastorale d'apostolat d'aujourdh'hui du pont de vue de la théologie, Teologia w Polsce 11,2 (2017) s. 95-110
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A simple religious conviction to proclaim faith is not enough. Today's pastoral care must take into account the fundamental challenge of changing the paradigm of the vision of man and the world in postmodern society. This study proposes a reflection on the necessity of a philosophical conversion of the one who engages in the apostolate of the Church by demonstrating three points of blocking to be surpassed in the formulation of the evangelical message. Conversion means acceptance of an end of the epoch of the transmission of faith through the Church as a "politico-theological" body. The first point of overcoming is an absence of research aimed at an understanding of postmodern thinking which advocates the liberation of man. The second blocking point is a reading of the action of Christ in the world solely through the action of the Church. To overcome ambiguity around the signs of the times, theology must offer a more pneumatological reading of God's action in the world. The third point to be surpassed is a "dogmatic" approach to the apostolate, that is to say, the temptation to transmit the Gospel as a fixed dogma outside the concrete situation of human history.
odsłon: 304

Królikowski, J., Kościół i wyzwanie pluralizmu kulturowego, Teologia w Polsce 11,2 (2017) s. 19-31
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Today the Church has to face numerous challenges. One of them - the cultural pluralism - has recently came back with a new strength. It is an unquestionable task of theology to take part in formulating specific propositions which would let the Church tackle the problem on the traditional level as well as with respect to particular experiences which remain in the memory of the Church. The thing which cannot be neglected is the memory of the theological principles which have to be observed while facing this challenge. Therefore some of these principles are discussed here as an attempt to join the public debate, regrettably not always appropriate, which is currently taking place. In the present situation an appropriate programme of action could be looked for on the basis of the tradition of the Church. In the light of the analyses that were carried out, this programme could be summarised in the following way: accept positively authorised cultural diversity; contribute to the sanctification and salvation of those cultures exposing and eliminating those elements which introduce contrast between them and the word of God; point out wider perspectives of human, social and cultural maturity, which are opened by faith and its dynamic manifestations.
odsłon: 305

Lancton, T., O Duchu Świętym w "Dzienniczku" św. Faustyny, Teologia w Polsce 11,2 (2017) s. 203-216
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The Diary of St. Faustina Kowalska, though well known for its description of Jesus as the merciful Savior, lacks a comparable description of the role of the Holy Spirit in relation to Divine Mercy. One must understand the theological context of St. Faustina, of the Holy Spirit and Divine Mercy to see more clearly their connection. Whereas the merciful Jesus is the author of sanctification, the giver of Divine Mercy, the Holy Spirit is the very gift of mercy, gushing forth from His Sacred Heart in the rays of Blood and Water, which both forgives sins and lifts us from our misery to participate in the divine life of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit is the very content of Divine Mercy, for as goodness is ascribed to Him in a pre-eminent way, so too is mercy, removing our defects by filling us with His goodness and perfections.
odsłon: 271

Moskałyk, J., Wartość chrześcijańskiej aporetyki, Teologia w Polsce 11,2 (2017) s. 33-44
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The maturing process of the man in great measure is conditioned in struggling against different oppositions, which directly take back to his freedom. Therefore he is subjected often to the attempt to be found between the helplessness and freeing. And even though seemingly this situation has short-lived and transitional character, in fact it is extended on the entire life. Sometimes this state seems without the exit, but onlyawareness of his earthly dimension is freeing from the one-way allocation. If, however, we consider the possibility of the personal bond with the Christian faith, determined reality stops fear. The Christian faith gives a different view on all paradoxes and contradictions which are turning up in this world and have temporary consequences. Christian experience also gives courage, the perseverance and strength for surviving and defeating earthly oppositions.
odsłon: 321

Nadbrzeżny, A., Dowlaszewicz, M., Antropomorficzna demonologia kontekstualna w niderlandzkim romansie rycerskim "Jonathas ende Rosafiere", Teologia w Polsce 11,2 (2017) s. 45-63
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This article outlines the literary and theological view on the demonology as presented in the medieval Dutch romance "Jonathas ende Rosafiere". After the discovery made by Remco Sleiderink of unknown fragments from 14th century this text has received some new attention mainly regarding the content that has been rearranged. Among many questions that have to be answered was that of the devilish element. The text reaches its climax in a rape scene on one of the main characters Rosafiere by her own father, who sneaks into the convent, accompanied by and with the help of the devil, both in the form of a nun. In this article the motif of the anthropomorphic devil is presented from theological point of view as a locus theologicus and analysed and explained by means of literary theology. At the same time the article is challenging the contemporary research in the humanities and its link to the recent developments.
odsłon: 294

Samulnik, T., Główne tezy teologii muzyki Josepha Ratzingera/Benedykta XVI, Teologia w Polsce 11,2 (2017) s. 217-235
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In this article are described fundamental ideas in cardinal Joseph Ratzinger's/Pope Benedict XVI's theology of music. We begin with a description of the context of Ratzinger's theology of music which is the faith expressed in the liturgy. The biblical and patristic sources of his theological thought are described subsequently. In the next section the theological-systematic basis (christological, pneumatological and eschatological) of Ratzinger's musical-theological thought is studied. In the last part is described his theological aesthetic and its application in the liturgy and sacred music. Finally, spiritual and pastoral suggestions for sacred music and pastoral ministry are also presented.
odsłon: 336

Smuniewski, C., Verso il superamento della crisi. La teologia dell'Eucaristia e del dacerdozio di Benedetto XVI, Teologia w Polsce 11,2 (2017) s. 65-94
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L'elaborato riguarda la teologia del sacerdozio e costituisce un'analisi della dottrina di Benedetto XVI racchiusa nell'Esortazione Apostolica Sacramentum caritatis, tenendo presente il discorso all'XI Assemblea Generale Ordinaria del Sinodo dei Vescovi del 2005 in Vaticano. Il pensiero teologico del Papa sull'Eucaristia si manifesta come risposta alla crisi sorta nel XX secolo sia nel campo della teologia dell'eucaristia, sia in quello della teologia del sacerdozio. Gli studi condotti mostrano la teologia dell'eucaristia come fondamentale per la comprensione della teologia del sacerdozio. La riflessione teologica sull'identità e sulla missione dei sacerdoti è incompleta se non si radica nella teologia dell'Eucaristia. Proprio la teologia dell'Eucaristia apre la strada verso il superamento delle crisi che riguardano il sacerdozio, sia nell'ordine teologico, sia nella storia della vita dei singoli sacerdoti.
odsłon: 304

Zatwardnicki, S., Egzegeza teologiczna w świetle opracowań Międzynarodowej Komisji Teologicznej, Teologia w Polsce 11,2 (2017) s. 125-151
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The Catholic interpretation of the Holy Scripture is characterised by coexistence of theological principles and scientific methods. Theological exegesis so understood itself requires theological justification. In search of the latter the author of the article referred to the International Theological Commission's documents. A theological basis for both the so-called "great principles of the interpretation" of the Bible and the necessity to apply the historical-critical method are presented in the text. The conclusion deals with suggestions worthy to be considered in the Biblical interpretation. Bipolarism of the exegesis process that is impossible to be defined is first of all to be heeded.
odsłon: 357

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