12,2 (2018)
SPIS TREŚCI recenzje ![]() | artykułów / items: 17 Giambrone, A., "Spirit and Power": Modernity on Miracles, Biblical Studies, and the Leap of Faith, Teologia w Polsce 12,2 (2018) s. 19-34 ![]() SUMMARY Modern interpretation of the Holy Scripture, especially historicocritical exegesis must crash with the classical dogmatic approach. The case in which this crash is unavoidable is the historicity of Jesus Christ and his miraculous deeds. For contemporary mentality miracles are definitely strange so it is not surprising that such kind of interpretation of the Gospels, in which miracles taken literally are excluded, has been occurring for few ages now. Today, we see a debate between exegetes who are deeply engaged in modern rationalistic paradigm and the ones who try to be faithful to the Church testimony in the first place. This article argues that modern exegesis must lead to the leap of faith. Only faith can affirm the truth of the Gospel, taking aside the question of historical character of Jesus' miracles. Ultimately, the case of Jesus is mainly about faith, not only about historical research. odsłon: 427 Kasprzak, A.A., Temoigner de la foi dans la rencontre avec l'homme en crise. Propositions de Jean-Guilhem Xerri, chrétien engage dans ce monde, Teologia w Polsce 12,2 (2018) s. 161-178 ![]() Jean-Guilhem Xerri, médecin biologiste compétent, et attentif à la conception holiste de l'homme, a été remarqué dans le milieu catholique français par sa récente publication: À quoi sert un chrétien? Le livre dresse une analyse de l'état de l'homme d'aujourd'hui, et propose de lancer un programme pastoral concernant la crédibilisation de la foi chrétienne dans notre monde. Le diagnostic du développement technologique, économique et idéologique du transhumanisme révèle finalement de multiples souffrances humaines. Toutefois, la situation douloureuse de l'homme peut être une occasion de rencontrer et de témoigner. Nous avons apprécié l'aspect pragmatique du témoignage de foi de l'auteur, chrétien engagé en ce monde. Sa réflexion toutefois présente des limites. Il ne met pas suffisamment en valeur, dans la situation actuelle de crise, les éléments positifs de l'évolution du monde moderne ni ne propose suffisamment de voies permettant d'articuler les aspirations de libération, de sécularisation de l'homme moderne avec l'annonce de l'Évangile. Et il ne précise pas suffisamment les enjeux nouveaux du sens éthique dans le domaine de la politique que les chrétiens ont le droit de rendre explicites dans leur témoignage. odsłon: 435 Kasprzak, D., Pismo Święte czytane przez Ojców, Teologia w Polsce 12,2 (2018) s. 49-69 ![]() THE CHRISTIAN FATHERS ON THE HOLY SCRIPTURE Summary The unification of the books of the Bible and the definition of the standard Constantine edition of the Holy Scripture set about 425 was historically coincident with the imperial policy of the introducing of religious homogeneity in the Roman Empire at the beginning of the fourth century. Moreover, due to the cultural continuity within the Roman Empire until the 5th century, it was possible the translation of "word for word". The German-Iranian raids in the 5th century resulted in the disintegration of the ancient cultural community, and caused the necessity of the translations of "meaning in meaning". The highest form of God's revelation for the patristic authors was the incarnation of God. The Bible, as the revealed word of God, was understood as a privileged, free God's phenomenon, through which God reveals the truth about himself and communicates with man. Consequently the Church Fathers interpreted the divine inspiration as the gift of God which was given to a biblical author. In this way an inspired writer was able to convey the divine revelation drown from the Holy Scriptures to a community of the faithful, which received as the word of God himself. In the opinion of the Church Fathers, the Christian theology was based on the contemplation of the Bible, which constituted the norm of the Christian faith. To the Patristic writers Jesus was a hermeneutic key to the Holy Scripture and it was him who leads the faithful to the cognition of the divine mystery and the human dignity. In their exegesis and theology the Christian Fathers showed us that the Person of Jesus, who ultimately revealed the Father to us should not be distinguished from testimony of the Christian kerygma and the Holy Scriptures. This affirmative attitude towards the Bible contributed to the formation of the biblical canon in the 7th century and also shaped the Trinitarian, spiritual and liturgical tradition of the Church. The Biblical interpretation of the church Fathers can be regarded as a more complete meaning of the NT, which expresses the sense intended by God, the first author of the Scripture in the dogmatic tradition of the Church, and which sense was not fully known to the human author of the Scriptures (e.g. the concept of the Holy Trinity, the intra-trinitarian relations and the doctrine of the original sin). Thus understood the reading of Scripture was for the patristic writers both the source of their faith and their theology. odsłon: 491 Körner, B., Jaką rolę odgrywa egzegeza w dogmatyce?, Teologia w Polsce 12,2 (2018) s. 35-48 ![]() HOW EXEGESIS INFLUENCES DOGMATICS? Summary With the end of neoscholastic theology, there was a necessity of new definition of relation between dogmatics, which is now understood from the perspective of history of salvation, and exegesis which, among other methods, uses a historicocritical method. Fundamentals of that new understanding have been given by the constitution Dei Verbum of Vaticanum II. Reffering to this document, the article presents the thesis that the interpretation of the Holy Scripture by the Church through the ages, that is in the living Tradition, and historicocritical interpretation are two different approaches which, nevertheless, should not be contradicted. What is more, we can read the Bible and understand it not just as a historical text but as the Word of God for today, only when we take into account the mutual influence of these two approaches. odsłon: 464 Koshe, M., Duch Święty jako największy Dar miłości miłosiernej Chrystusa, Teologia w Polsce 12,2 (2018) s. 179-191 ![]() THE HOLY SPIRIT AS THE GREATEST GIFT OF THE MERCIFUL LOVE OF CHRIST Summary This text deals with the pneumatological dimension of God's mercy. Starting from the farewell speech of Christ, written by St. John the Evangelist, in which the Savior explains to the disciples that the Holy Spirit is the greatest Gift that He leaves to the Church, the author seeks to sketch a contribution to the pneumatological outlook of God's mercy. The article begins with sketching the horizon of understanding of God's mercy. Afterwards cognitive attention is directed towards capturing the relationship between Christ - the Incarnate Mercy of the Father - and the Holy Spirit as the Paraclete and the Person-love.The analysis crowns the horizontal dimension of mercy in which the Holy Spirit makes man experienced by the mercy of God capable of mercy toward others. odsłon: 499 Kowalczyk, M., Znaczenie i aktualność nauki prymasa S. Wyszyńskiego o podmiotowości narodu, Teologia w Polsce 12,2 (2018) s. 117-127 ![]() SIGNIFICANCE AND TIMELINESS OF THE TEACHINGS OF PRIMATE S. WYSZYŃSKI ON THE PERSONHOOD OF NATIONS Summary According to Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński the nation is the highest form of societal life. It has its own internal identity and individuality which distinguish it from other nations co-existing alongside it. A properly defined identity, built upon the foundation of Christianity, precludes nationalism, since in a Christian nation international relations are conditioned with reference to the Holy Trinity. Polish contemporary society today needs clear points of reference; certainly Cardinal S. Wyszyński's teaching can be one of them. Poland and, more broadly, Europe, need new impetus in regaining a full awareness of the necessity of bravely upholding fundamental values. The times through which the great Primate led the Church in Poland were difficult, but it was possible not only to defend the community of nation and Church in Poland, but this community also offered a wonderful testimony of faith and of a heroic stance, exemplified by the figures of St. John Paul II, Bl. Jerzy Popiełuszko, and many others. Today a new socio-political situation has arisen in Poland and in Europe. There is war in the east; in the western part of the continent an increasingly more formidable migration crisis has been ignited; everywhere there can be seen a spiritual, moral, crisis, an identity crisis. All of this is telling us that it is necessary to return to fundamental values, built on the basis of Christianity and ancient culture. It is these values which were the very core of the socio-anthropological thought of Cardinal Wyszyński, especially his teaching on Christian nationhood. The Primate emphasizes not only the significance and human dignity of the individual person, but also points to the collective, the community, as an organic society, forming a personal reality, indirectly created by God. In his preaching Cardinal Wyszyński created an original concept of the personhood of a society, which is subject to - just as is an individual person - all the laws of the salvation history process. odsłon: 2941 Lipniak, J.M., Termin "substancja" w trynitologii, Teologia w Polsce 12,2 (2018) s. 129-142 ![]() SUBSTANCE AS THE TERM USED IN TRINITOLOGY S u m m a r y This article deals with the understanding of the term substance in trinitology. The issues connected with the substance of God and each of the Persons will be dealt with in other articles. In every religion the substance of God possesses personality. In Christianity it is threesome personality. For this very reason the term "substance" obtains a new meaning. In the history of Christian theology, the notion concerning the connection of one substance of God with three different Persons was developed. The orthodox mainstream, while emphasizing their autonomy also stressed the distinctness of creatures from their Creator. The thought trend which nullified the differences between the Persons was also inclined to blur the difference between the substance of God and the substance of the world. In theological thought as a whole, it is important to understand the general term "substance" in the context of the wholeness of problems. This term, just like any other, has its own meaning, but it also bears other, different meanings depending on the context. In trinitology, the substance of God is both one and of threesome character. odsłon: 637 Menke, K.-H., Kreuz und Trinität, Oder: Der wahre Dornbusch, Teologia w Polsce 12,2 (2018) s. 85-103 ![]() In der deutschen Theologie wird auch im Kontext von Kreuz und Auferstehung kaum noch von der Sünde geredet. Mit dem Hinweis auf die bedingungslose Vergebungsbereitschaft Gottes erklärt man das Christusereignis als Offenbarung der bedingungslosen Liebe. Inkarnation und Kreuz sind so gesehen nicht notwendig gewesen, um die Sünde zu besiegen, sondern um die Solidarität Gottes mit den Menschen zu offenbaren. Dieser Sicht stellt Menke die These entgegen, dass im Neuen Testament kaum etwas so deutlich bezeugt ist wie das Kreuzesgeschehen "unserer Sünden wegen" (1 Kor 15,3). Menke erklärt die Sünde als die einzige Wirklichkeit, die der Mensch 'aus nichts' erschaffen kann; als die Wirklichkeit, die Gott nicht will und die er dennoch nicht verhindern kann, weil er die dem Menschen geschenkte Freiheit nicht revoziert. Was auf den 'vor-bewussten' Ebenen der Evolution das Verunglücken der Eigenkausalität der Schöpfung ist, das ist auf der mit Bewusstsein und mit freiem Willen ausgestatteten Ebene des Menschen die Sünde. Das Osterereignis bedeutet, dass mit Jesus Gott selbst dahin gelangt, wo das Gegenteil der trinitarischen Liebe ist, nämlich in die 'Sheol'. "Abgestiegen zur Hölle" bekennen Christen in ihrem Glaubenbekenntnis. Seitdem gibt es die 'Sheol' nicht mehr. Seitdem hat keine Sünde mehr die Macht, den Sünder von Gott zu trennen - es sei denn, er würde willentlich die bis in seine Verlorenheit herabgestiegene Hand des Erlösers von sich weisen. Deshalb unterscheidet Hans Urs von Balthasar zwischen der 'Sheol', die Ostern ein für alle Mal besiegt bzw. aufgehoben wurde; und den vielen Höllen der jeweils Einzelnen, die die ihnen zur Versöhnung hingehaltene Hand Christi abweisae, diese aber jederzeit auch ergreifen können. odsłon: 431 Müller, G.L., Tradycja jako zasada katolickiej teologii, Teologia w Polsce 12,2 (2018) s. 5-17 ![]() TRADITION AS THE PRINCIPLE OF CATHOLIC THEOLOGY Summary The biblical revelation, as well as all Christianity, has strictly historical character. Therefore, theology should remain historical as well. Apart from the fact that it teaches some timeless truths, theology, on the first place, proclaims the message about God reveling himself in the history. This message itself is historical and it is communicated from generation to generation in dynamic process called Tradition. Therefore, Tradition is not an external norm but it is rather a fundamental rule for every theologian - the rule without which we cannot speak of catholic theology at all. This role of Tradition should be emphasized especially nowadays when we experience a "cult of contemporaneity" and when we see a trend in the Church to treat unofficial sayings of Pope and other members of the hierarchy as normative and supposedly standing above Tradition. odsłon: 1659 Parzych-Blakiewicz, K., Kopiec, M.A., "Sumienie eklezjalne" w blasku Prawdy, Dobra i zbawienia, Teologia w Polsce 12,2 (2018) s. 143-159 ![]() "ECCLESIAL CONSCIENCE" IN THE LIGHT OF THE TRUTH, THE GOOD AND SALVATION Summary The article presents the issue of ecclesial conscience as a personal space in which a believer man evaluates his own ecclesiological activity. The formation of the faithful conscience in an ecclesial format is in line with theandric and at the same time missionary nature of the Church. The issue is shown based on three papal documents: Veritatis splendor, Caritas in veritate, Lumen fidei. These sources explain the relationship between absolute Truth, Goodness and Love as transcendentals conditioning the individual process of human salvation. odsłon: 435 Rabczyński, P., Hermeneutyka teologiczna objawień gietrzwałdzkich, Teologia w Polsce 12,2 (2018) s. 193-213 ![]() THEOLOGICAL HERMENEUTICS OF THE APPARITIONS OF THE VIRGIN MARY IN GIETRZWAŁD Summary In 1877 Marian apparitions took place in Gietrzwałd in Warmia and were recognised by the Church one hundred years later. The message Mary conveyed to the girls she appeared to could be summarised in three statements: "I am the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Immaculate Conception; I wish you recite the rosary everyday; Do not despair for I will always be with you". The Gietrzwałd apparitions belong to the so-called private revelations. They should be studied and interpreted within the history of salvation as particular signs of the presence and actions of God throughout the ages. The Marian apparitions in Gietrzwałd pointed to a supernatural, divine reality which finds fulfilment in Jesus Christ, who is now present in His Church. They led their recipients towards the public revelation, awakened and strengthened the faith of God's people. The apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Gietrzwałd lead to the realisation of the necessity for the continuous interpretation of the public revelation and deepening its understanding at a specific point in time. Owing to these apparitions, some of the truths of faith which would be difficult to understand, such as the Immaculate Conception, became better explained, popularised and easier to comprehend. The message of the apparitions in Gietrzwałd reminded of the evangelical call to convert, repent and pray as well as confirmed the faithful in their belief of the constant presence of God in history but also each man's life. They therefore constitute an important impulse towards Christian renewal and the return to evangelical zeal and sanctity. odsłon: 459 Raczyński-Rożek, M., "Analogia entis" Ericha Przywary jako model myślenia katolickiego w postmodernistycznej rzeczywistości, Teologia w Polsce 12,2 (2018) s. 215-231 ![]() ERICH PRZYWARA'S ANALOGIA ENTIS AS A MODEL OF CATHOLIC THINKING IN POSTMODERN REALITY Summary The contemporary Catholic is living in the broadly understood postmodern culture, which in its assumptions cannot be reconciled with Catholic thinking, above all, because of the negation of objective truth. Therefore, he must take care of his vision of reality alone. Erich Przywara presents a worldview that can be a response to this demand. On the one hand, because it is deeply rooted in the Catholic tradition, on the other hand, it is, in the same time, open to culture. Taking into account the historicity of the subject and the object, the Przywara's analogia entis does not close in some static system, but is a dynamic approach that allows entering into a dialogue or polemic with hot current issues. odsłon: 467 Roszak, P., Rola Pisma Świętego w średniowiecznej teologii, Teologia w Polsce 12,2 (2018) s. 71-84 ![]() THE SACRED SCRIPTURE IN MEDIEVAL THEOLOGY Summary The article presents the relations of the Bible and theology in the Middle Ages, especially in the context of the exegetical achievements of the School of St. Viktor and Saint Thomas Aquinas. Understanding the interpretation techniques of the Holy Scriptures, the role of analysis and synthesis, text divisions, paraphrases or intrabiblical quotes demonstrate the role of theology in its relationship to the Scriptures: it helps to bring out and build a coherent exposition of faith, contributing to a deeper understanding of the truth. At the same time, the Scripture is a source for medieval theology, being organically connected with it. odsłon: 466 Samiec, Ł., Duch Święty w sakramencie Eucharystii, Teologia w Polsce 12,2 (2018) s. 233-247 ![]() HOLY SPIRIT IN THE SACRAMENT OF THE EUCHARIST Summary The Holy Spirit in the Eucharist identifies man with Christ, and thus transforms into the sons of God and incorporates into his Body the Church. By the Holy Spirit, the Eucharist accepts the "body" of the Church. The Holy Spirit identifies the believer with the Son, transforming them into "sons in the Son." So Christian life is nothing more than to live as God's children, sharing in His love. In this way the whole power of the Paschal Mystery is applied in man and he is passed from death to life. The same Spirit, who "anointed" the Everlasting Word with humanity and imprinted human nature in him, is also imprinted in human hearts as a living seal to animate man with divine nature. The Holy Spirit makes a man Christlikeness in the Christ-Eucharist. odsłon: 434 Sosnowski, A., Das Gebet Jesu in der Lehre vom Papst Benedikt XVI., Teologia w Polsce 12,2 (2018) s. 265-283 ![]() Die Überlegung von Benedikt XVI. über das Gebet Jesu stellt einen wesentlichen Bestandteil der päpstlichen Lehre. Alle vier Evangelisten, insbesondere der heilige Apostel Lukas, übermitteln uns das Zeugnis über das Gebet Jesu. Es gehört zweifelsohne zu den wichtigsten Charaktereigenschaften von Jesus im Neuen Testament; es bezeichnet die Gestalt Jesu seit seiner Kindheit bis auf seine letzten Worte am Kreuz. Während der Analyse des Zeugnisses der Bibel betont Benedikt XVI., dass das Gebet Jesu und Sein Dialog mit dem Vater den Mittelpunkt Seiner Gestalt und Sendung darstellen. Eben in der Bibel haben ihren Ursprung die wichtigsten Werke von Jesu; das Gebet auf dem Ölberg, das dem Vater gegenüber ausgesprochene "Ja" gehen seinem Leiden, Tod und Auferstehung voraus. Das Gebet hat eine privilegierte Stellung für Christologie; hier - genauso wie die Jünger - lernen wir Jesu als den wahren Messias - Gottessohn - kennen. Das Gebet ist daher zweifellos der Schlüssel zur Christologie von Joseph Ratzinger, Benedikt XVI. und der Schlüssel zur Christologie im Allgemeinen. odsłon: 442 Strumiłowski, J.P., Nieinterwencjonistyczna teoria działania Boga. Analiza, diagnoza i korekta modelu, Teologia w Polsce 12,2 (2018) s. 249-264 ![]() THE NONINTERVENTIONIST THEORY OF GOD'S ACTION. ANALYSIS, DIAGNOSIS AND MODEL CORRECTION Summary The interaction between theology and science not only stimulates the former to justify its thesis as harmonious with the scientific view of the world, but also motivates it to search new models that would interpret exhaustively its statements in accordance with scientific discoveries and to outline the scope of its further development in the area of coherency between theology and science. The noninterventionist theory of God's action constitutes one of the most interesting model of such an approach. However, this model being profoundly analysed, despite its large possibility to synthetize the theological view with the scientific one, may cause some doubts. It is so since this model seems to reduce subtly and decompose internally the God's action while searching its coherency with the world's action. This article attempts to diagnose that potential risk as well as to propose some modifications and enlargements of the model in order to make it more harmonious with traditional views of God's action, but without damage on its innovative capacities. odsłon: 512 Szymik, J., Teologia 2.0. Konstytucja dla nauki wiary (kilka uwag), Teologia w Polsce 12,2 (2018) s. 105-115 ![]() THEOLOGY 2.0. CONSTITUTION FOR SCIENCE OF FAITH (SOME COMMENTS) Summary Civilizational, ideological context of postmodern West forces theology to confirm its identity, tasks and place in the scientific and academic world. Among many opinions and positions, particular authority is vested in the International Theological Commission and proposals presented by the last popes - John Paul II and Benedict XVI - for whom an encounter in the space of the Church of the cognitive capabilities of faith resulting from grace with the truth-oriented mind bears the fruit in the form of theology: an effort of searching for and finding God who manifests Himself as the Saviour. Such theology requires courage, since it contests liberal and atheistic concept of the autonomous mind and the corresponding model of technocratic university. Persisting - often in spite of ostracism - at the European university and drawing on from its latest experiences, theology remains a guarantee of its objectivity, a holistic vision of reality, rationality serving good and wisdom. odsłon: 484 |