4,2 (2010)
SPIS TREŚCI recenzje autoprezentacje doktoratów ![]() | artykułów / items: 12 Bartnik, Cz.S., Chrystologia świata w Prologu Ewangelii według św. Jana, Teologia w Polsce 4,2 (2010) s. 189-195 ![]() CHRISTOLOGIE DER WELT IM PROLOG DES JOHANNESEVANGELIUMS. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Gemäß dem Prolog besteht der absolute Zusammenhang der Welt und des Menschen mit Jesus Christus als Anfang der ganzen Schöpfung, als wesentlicher Inhalt und wichtiges Thema, wie auch als Ziel und Sinn. Gott der Vater vollbringt alles durch die Person des Wortes, in der Er sich selbst herausspricht. Christus als der Gezeugte ist das Urmotiv des Entstehens der Schöpfung, ihrer Erlösung, ihrer Vollkommenheit und bereitet dadurch - in der unendlichen Analogie - den Menschen zur Sohnschaft Gottes, wenn er sich nur auf dieses Tun des Erlösers durch seinen Glauben und Werk öffnet. So verwirklicht Christus zusammen mit der Welt und dem Menschen Seinen Großen Weg: Er kommt heraus vom Vater, wird die Menschheitsgeschichte durch die Fleischwerdung, transformiert unsere irdische Geschichte in die göttlich-menschliche Geschichte und kehrt in den Schoß des Vaters in der Kommunion des Heiligen Geistes mit dem Menschen und der ganzen Welt zurück. odsłon: 3141 Chlondowski, P., Charyzmat proroctwa - peryferyjny fenomen czy istotna forma aktualizacji Objawienia?, Teologia w Polsce 4,2 (2010) s. 277-292 ![]() THE CHARISM OF PROPHECY - NEGLIGIBLE PHENOMENON OR ESSENTIAL FORM OF THE ACTUALIZATION OF REVELATION. SUMMARY The article discusses the issue of charism of prophecy in the Bible and in the live of the Church. At first, the author presents the theory of the cease of the prophecy. Secondly, he gives explains of the understanding of prophecy, oracle and ecstasy in antiquity and Bible. The final part of the article is devoted to the overview of these issues in the teachings of the selected Christianity first century authors, Thomas Aquinas and modern theologians. odsłon: 1892 Kempa, J., Metafizyczne podstawy Cur Deus homo, Teologia w Polsce 4,2 (2010) s. 305-315 ![]() METAPHYSISCHE GRUNDLAGEN VON CUR DEUS HOMO. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Die Satisfaktionslehre Anselms wird auf unterschiedliche Weise beurteilt. Das Problem liegt oft darin, dass sie nicht im Zusammenhang des gesamten Denkens Anselms gesehen wird. Es ist wichtig, die eigenen Anselmschen metaphysischen Grundlagen, die in früheren Werken erarbeitet wurden, im Bereich seiner Soteriologie zu berücksichtigen. Es sind hier besonders zwei Elemente hervorzuheben: (1) Die Anselmsche "Metaphysik des Sollens" lässt die Sünde und die Erlösungsbedürftigkeit völlig außerhalb der rechtlichen Kategorien verstehen; (2) Anselms Stellung zur Universalienfrage hilft sein Konzept der Stellvertretung zum Teil erklären. Erst vor diesem Hintergrund zeigt sich, wie manche rechtlichen Kategorien in das metaphysische Konzept implementiert wurden. odsłon: 1635 Kubicki, D., Teologia katolicka a młodsza Europa globalizacyjnej współczesności (cz. 1), Teologia w Polsce 4,2 (2010) s. 233-245 ![]() CATHOLIC THEOLOGY AND THE YOUNGER EUROPE IN THE TIMES OF GLOBALIZATION (PART 1). SUMMARY In view of the contemporary integration of the EU member states and in the context of the fast globalizing world of today, the author raises the issue of civilizational backwardness, which by the political and intellectual representatives of the Western world (and hence its societies) is widely identified with the notions of post-totalitarian and postcommunist Central and Eastern European societies, and thus with the Polish society and those practising theology in the Catholic Church in Poland at the beginning of the 21st century. In the first part of his reflection, the author postulates defining the civilizational 'youngerness' with respect to the evident relativity of the idea of civilizational backwardness in the historical perspective, especially taking into consideration the ever-changing political, cultural and civilizational domination in Europe. Later on he outlines the hope which he cherishes towards those practising theology and reflecting upon the evangelical message, who bring it into effect through their faith and spread it on in their communities in local churches of the Catholic Church in Poland. Those faith communities, with their morally creative members, stem from the tradition of Polish social, philosophical and theological thought, shaped in the course of the vicissitudes that the Polish society and the country itself underwent due to Poland's specific location on the border between the European East and West. odsłon: 1482 Kwiatkowski, B.D., Inspiracje chrystologiczne we włoskiej poezji religijnej początku XXI wieku, Teologia w Polsce 4,2 (2010) s. 263-276 ![]() ISPIRAZIONI CRISTOLOGICHE NELLA POESIA RELIGIOSA ITALIANA ALL'INIZIO DEL XXI SECOLO. SOMMARIO Nella riflessione teologica contemporanea la letteratura, e in modo particolare la poesia, trovano un posto sicuro, soprattutto in quanto loci theologici. Codesto articolo non vuole essere pero un'analisi della questione menzionata, ma piuttosto un tentativo di far vedere la poesia come la strada per scoprire alcune dimensioni della fede dell'uomo d'oggi. Come fonte della ricerca viene presa la raccolta di poesie (4 volumi) intitolata Premio Nazionale di Poesia Religiosa "San Sabino". In modo particolare l'attenzione dell'autore e rivolta alle ispirazioni cristologiche presenti nelle poesie prese in esame. Si tratta cioe di individuare la concreta visione di Cristo e di alcuni temi cristologici, espressi dagli autori, per rispondere alle domande sul collegamento tra la fede vissuta e le aspettative esistenziali del cristiano degli inizi del XXI secolo. Cosiddette ispirazioni cristologiche vengono schematicamente divise in cinque gruppi: 1) l'incarnazione e il Natale; 2) l'insegnamento e i miracoli di Cristo; 3) la sofferenza e la morte di Cristo; 4) la risurrezione; 5) altre ispirazioni. Seguono le conclusioni. Dalla riflessione risulta che per il cristiano dell'inizio del XXI secolo il Cristo e uno dei principali punti d'interesse. Si puo scorgere un certo cristocentrismo della riflessione teologica, ma cristocentrismo soggettivo ed esistenziale. Le analisi delle poesie ispirate alla cristologia ci permettono di abbozzare una visione del cristiano. E un cristiano consapevole della propria identita, uomo che confessa con coraggio la fede in Cristo. In lui cerca la via e la soluzione dei misteri dell'esistenza. Contemporaneamente e un cristiano immerso nel mondo, vuol dire uomo che cerca, ma che non si sente perduto, perché appunto e il Cristo ad indicargli la direzione e la meta. Il cristocentrismo della riflessione e l'antropocentrismo delle aspettative esistenziali vengono conciliati. odsłon: 1580 Lekan, J., Jezus Chrystus, pośrednik zbawienia. Uniwersalistyczna wizja hiszpańskiej teologii, Teologia w Polsce 4,2 (2010) s. 335-346 ![]() JESUCRISTO - MEDIADOR DE LA SALVACIÓN. LA VISIÓN UNIVERSAL DE LA TEOLOGÍA ESPANOLA. RESUMEN El siguiente artículo tiene el propósito de sacar las conclusiones a base de un estudio monográfico titulado "Jesucristo - Mediador de la salvación en la teología espanola posconciliar". Es un intento de describir no solamente el contenido de la noción misma de la mediación salvífica de Jesucristo, sino, al mismo tiempo, recalcar los elementos universales contenidos en la visión propia de una teología (en este caso espanola). Primero responde al porqué de elegir este tema (dos razones: epistemológico y teológico) y darle elegida estructura. Luego destaca las características de la cristología espanola posconciliar. Es una cristología de las fuentes, tiene solido fundamento bíblico y patrístico, es una teología abierta, de talante europeo. El concepto de soteriología pasa a ser clave de la mediacion salvífica de Cristo. De la reflexión de los teologos espańoles en el periodo posconciliar sale a la luz, pues, una imagen de Cristo Mediador con varios aspectos. Los más importantes son: identidad ontológica de la persona del Mediador; necesidad de ser el hombre verdadero. Su mediación es intratrinitaria y escatológica, "pro-existencial", universal y unificadora, inmediata. Es la única mediación compuesta por dos elementos: descendente y ascendente. En cuanto a su realización, la teología senala tres funciones en la mediación salvífica de Cristo: real, profética y sacerdotal. En fin, estamos ante un tema muy rico y con muchos aspectos. Sin duda permite observar con claridad el desarrollo de la cristología contemporánea espanola, pero sobre todo la importancia del tema para la cristología y, principalmente, para la soteriología: no solamente para la espanola, sino para la universal. odsłon: 2011 Lewandowski, J., Benedykta XVI metafizyczna koncepcja wolności. Refleksja nad Spe salvi nr 24, Teologia w Polsce 4,2 (2010) s. 215-220 ![]() LA CONCEPCIÓN DE LA LIBERTAD DEL PAPA BENEDICTO XVI. LA REFLEXIÓN SOBRE SPE SALVI N. 24. COMPENDIO Una de las amenazas a la libertad en el mundo contemporáneo, aparte de las ideologías contemporáneas, es una concepción errónea de la misma. La propuesta del Papa Benedicto XVI contenida en Spe salvi parece se un antídoto contra estos modelos, a menudo reductivos, que se promueve. El Papa está a favor de un concepto metafisico de la libertad, en el cual la naturaleza humana es idéntica a la naturaleza de la libertad. De ahí que no se puede perder y se manifesta como un reto para la persona humana quien busca su identidad en el bien. odsłon: 1685 Moskałyk, J., Znaczenie wschodniej symboliki cerkiewnej, Teologia w Polsce 4,2 (2010) s. 221-232 ![]() MEANING OF THE EASTERN ORTHODOX CHURCH SYMBOLISM. SUMMARY Structure of the iconographic decoration of the orthodox church makes the performance of the appropriate theological and symbolic canon, established for each of its parts and harmonizing with the active liturgical activity. The most important elements of the decoration, which dominate since XI century remain invariable and during few subsequent centuries have only been made more perfect. The end of XVII century has been assumed as the final period in which comprehensive iconographic vision of the orthodox church was shaped. The icon, as understood by the eastern theology, is the expression of charismatic consciousness of the Church as a whole in relation to the transcendental reality. It is not treated only as the work of the individual creative imagination, allowed only for the aesthetic experience of an individual, but as a value of the universal nature. Visible figure of the orthodox church and symbolic form its interior always make a full harmony. odsłon: 2160 Naab, E., Pojednanie i sprawiedliwość, Teologia w Polsce 4,2 (2010) s. 197-213 ![]() VERSÖHNUNG UND GERECHTIGKEIT. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Der paulinische Grundgedanke, dass der Glaube und nicht Werke rechtfertige, lässt nach einem Verständnis der Erlösung in Jesus Christus fragen, das durch Gnade und nicht durch eine Leistung bestimmt ist. Im Mittelpunkt der theologischen Überlegungen steht Röm 3,25, wonach Gott selbst seinen Christus als "Hilasterion" durch Glauben in seinem Blut vorangestellt hat. Hilasterion wird dabei nicht als die Leistung menschlicher stellvertretender Sühne verstanden, sondern entsprechend dem älteren Wortsinn als das göttliche Geschenk der Versöhnung. Sie hat in der Sohnesbeziehung Jesu ihren Ort hat, alle Widerwärtigkeiten haben ihr nichts an, die Glaubenden nehmen an ihr teil. Die Gerechtigkeit, die sie durch Glauben vor Gott finden, wird auch ihre gerechten Beziehungen untereinander prägen, die darauf gerichtet sind, den jeweils Anderen aufzurichten und groß zu machen. odsłon: 2067 Pek, K., Problem zależności obrazu Maryi od obrazu Boga. Wprowadzenie do studium nad nauczaniem Prymasa Augusta Hlonda, Teologia w Polsce 4,2 (2010) s. 317-334 ![]() THE IMAGE OF MARY IS DEPENDENT ON THE IMAGE OF GOD. INTRODUCTION IN THE STUDY OF THE TEACHING OF THE PRIMATE CARD. AUGUST HLOND. SUMMARY The purpose of the present study is to introduction in the theological image of God in the mariology of the Card. August Hlond (d. 1948). The Primate of Poland while continuing the work of his predecessor (Card, Edmund Dalbor), had also, in a way, to start anew after the devastation caused by World War II and at the beginning of Communist attempts to destroy the Church in Central and Eastern Europe. All his pastoral work had an apostolic and missionary character. The main themes of his teaching were: Christ the King, Christ in the Eucharist, the Kingdom of Christ, the Heart of Jesus and Divine Providence. One may also note some rare references to the Holy Spirit. Like his predecessor, he never devoted a separate pastoral letter to the Mother of Christ or to Marian devotion. His mariological teaching is spread not only throughout his letters but also in his sermons, speeches and appeals. The image of God they convey is that of closeness and goodness. Even at - observed also in Poland the 100th anniversary of the Marian apparition in La Salette, with its message about the heavy arm of God, he did not contrast the goodness of Mary with the wrath of God. He seemed to emphasize the mercy of God and suggest that the apparently clear Marian message of La Salette, should be, nevertheless, understood in the light of God's love. Even though he supported some Marian initiatives (e.g. the act of consecrating Poland to the Immaculate Heart of Mary) and taught about Mary's presence in the life of Poles (e.g. the vows of John Casimir perceived as a covenant with Mary), he never failed to refer to Christ as the source of all victory. He also stressed the importance of human potential and of the activity of every person. In this case the faith was to be the source of victory which he understood as the fulfillment of the Gospel. General research conclusion: The image of Mary is dependent on the image of God. Whenever the history of salvation was perceived as the work of the Father through the Son in the Holy Spirit, Mary was presented as a participant (or a recipient) and a witness of the activity of God. (translated by Mira Majdan) odsłon: 1932 Sienkiewicz, E., Sacrum a "wspólnota ducha" jednoczącej się Europy, Teologia w Polsce 4,2 (2010) s. 247-261 ![]() RIASSUNTO Il processo di unificazione degli stati e dei continenti si caratterizza per una crescente tendenza a sottolineare l'esistenza di cosi dette "piccole patrie". Analogicamente, nel contesto di compenetrazione di sacrum e profanum, accanto al processo di laicizzazione che e molto forte specialmente in Europa, si puo notare un risveglio spirituale spesso connesso alle piccole comunita dei credenti. In questo contesto sempre piu attuale diventa la domanda sulla presenza di sacrum che puo proteggere il Vecchio Continente dal materialismo e dal riduzionismo economico o politico. Nonostante oggigiorno l'impegno per la fede sia notevolmente calato, si deve risvegliare un potenziale enorme dei valori, assopito in tutto il patrimonio europeo. L'Europa dunque, ricercando continuamente verita oggettive, deve diventare una comunita dei valori che da sempre costituiscono fondamento del suo sviluppo. La cultura europea, che da tanti secoli poggia sulla fede cristiana, piu che mai, nel contesto di profanum contemporaneo, ha dunque bisogno di sacrum. odsłon: 1580 Wilkołek, R., Średniowieczne summy teologiczne i ich układ. Analiza genologiczna Summy teologii św. Tomasza z Akwinu, Teologia w Polsce 4,2 (2010) s. 293-304 ![]() MEDIEVAL THEOLOGICAL SUMMAS AND THEIR STRUCTURE. GENOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF "THE SUMMA THEOLOGICA" BY SAINT THOMAS AQUINAS. SUMMARY This article is a part of M.A. thesis entitled "The Foundations of Aristotelianism as a Theological locus in The Summa Theologica by Saint Thomas Aquinas. The Ontological Analysis of the Union of the Incarnated Word.". In this article the author tries to show that The Summa Theologica by Saint Thomas Aquinas was written according to an individual, original and well-considered structural idea. According to the author The Summa's Christ and incarnation mystery centred worldview gives to Neoplatonic exitus-reditus scheme that was used in The Summa and other medieval theological compendiums (thanks to reditus per Christum) the Christophoric nature. In addition, it gives to the entirety of the Aquinas' concept the incarnation and Christ centred dynamic. odsłon: 2187 |