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szukane wyrażenie: teologia analityczna | znaleziono 76 opisów(-y) | strona: 7 spośród: 8

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autor: Szulc, M.J.
tytuł: Osobowy wymiar prawdy
Teologia w Polsce 6,1 (2012) 177-190          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: prawdateologia fundamentalna

This brief essay is an attempt to comprehend the reality of the truth - as so called 'the whole' and taking into account its various representations (whether in a form of a dogma of faith or a moral truth, or a scientific claim) - in its personal (relational) dimension, and in the context of an idea of possibilities possessed by every man to explore it. Reconciliation of the thesis of the objectivity of the truth with the validation of its involvement in the rich world of persons, as well as its specific subjection to epistemological laws of hermeneutics, belongs to the aims of the article.
Following the concepts of the Second Vatican Council, the eastern theology (gnosis wisdom) and some views of the Eastern Fathers of the Church, were presented the characteristics of the truth, such as: the whole, dialogism, unity, dynamism and necessary connection with the mercy. The permanent truth content is combined with a dialogic communication and cognition, which must be subjected to the demands of love and placed in a complex dynamic constitution of a human being. The text has put emphasis on asceticism, prayer, intuition and striving for holiness, as methods of a holistic overview of the world and God. The whole, personality and dynamism assume the involvement of all human internal authorities and elements, which as a holistic openness to the truth, one can consider the soul or reason. Finally, the truth is mystical, it is the Truth, Jesus Christ.

autor: Szymik, J.
tytuł: Teologia 2.0. Konstytucja dla nauki wiary (kilka uwag)
Teologia w Polsce 12,2 (2018) 105-115          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: wiararozumuniwersytetnaukaprawdapoznanieEuropaponowoczesność

Civilizational, ideological context of postmodern West forces theology to confirm its identity, tasks and place in the scientific and academic world. Among many opinions and positions, particular authority is vested in the International Theological Commission and proposals presented by the last popes - John Paul II and Benedict XVI - for whom an encounter in the space of the Church of the cognitive capabilities of faith resulting from grace with the truth-oriented mind bears the fruit in the form of theology: an effort of searching for and finding God who manifests Himself as the Saviour. Such theology requires courage, since it contests liberal and atheistic concept of the autonomous mind and the corresponding model of technocratic university. Persisting - often in spite of ostracism - at the European university and drawing on from its latest experiences, theology remains a guarantee of its objectivity, a holistic vision of reality, rationality serving good and wisdom.

autor: Szymik, J.
tytuł: Acedia, neognoza, popreligia et consortes. Josepha Ratzingera/ Benedykta XVI teologiczne diagnozy kryzysów współczesności
Teologia w Polsce 10,2 (2016) 5-21          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: Benedykt XVIantropologiateologiakultura

The shape of anthropology depends on the shape of theology. Godless anthropology distorts the image of a man; a broken relationship with God makes all spheres of life and human activity become distorted and degraded. While rejecting his Creator and the dependence on Him, a man loses his sense of meaning and taste of life. He neurotically tries to find them in other areas, replacing real values with substitutes and true reality with independently created requisites. Ratzinger shows that the loss of God and misplaced human autonomy generate sorrow, emptiness and, consequently, protest; everything in life becomes ill. According to J. Ratzinger/ Benedict XVI, the most dangerous contemporary diseases of culture and spirituality are: neo-gnostic mentality which is a mixture of anthropological frustration, blind faith in science and snobbery of elites; trendy fascinations with the West versions of Far Eastern religions generally supporting nihilistic inclinations of postmodernity; narcissistically creative culture and relativistic output placed beyond good and evil - in the name of tolerance and pluralism. The only cure can be cognition of real God and recognition of a source of hope and love in Him. Only by drawing from Him, a man is able to co-create the world where the final word does not belong to death.

autor: Szymik, J.
tytuł: "Logos" i "ratio". J. Ratzingera/Benedykta XVI opowieść o Bogu, który obdarza łaską rozumu i łaską wiary
Teologia w Polsce 6,1 (2012) 5-19          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: Ratzinger, JosephBenedykt XIIrozumwiarateologia egzystencjalna

In his works, J. Ratzinger/Benedict XVI devotes a lot of attention to the issues of faith and reason, their interdependence, inseparability and necessity. He considers these issues crucial for today's civilisation, mentality and culture, in which reason remains dormant or blind. By rejecting faith, the present day - paradoxically - narrows human reasoning capabilities. Thus, the Pope calls for the 'broadening of reason', i.e. its orienting towards cognition of truth, based on 'thinking about the world as a whole'. This can be done thanks to faith and love, which enable men to transcend their cognitive limitations. Adequate balance and cooperation between reason and faith protect men either from irrationality of faith or profanity of reason. Whereat, the Pope derives anthropology from Christology: acting in conformity with reason means acting in accordance with Logos. Both faith and reason are signs of grace. Men can discover truth about themselves in Christ.

autor: Szymik, J.
tytuł: "Aleś mi utworzył ciało" (Hbr 10,5). Teologia inkarnacji według J. Ratzingera/Benedykta XVI
Teologia w Polsce 5,2 (2011) 219-236          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: Benedykt XVIRatzinger, Josephteologia systematycznawcielenie

…but a body you prepared for me … (Heb 10:5). The Theology of the Incarnation According to J. Ratzinger / Benedict XVI. Summary
J. Ratzinger / Benedict XVI proposes a theology of the Incarnation built on the Christology of meaning. In essence, he derives it from two biblical texts: the Prologue of the Gospel of John and the Epistle to the Hebrews. The present Pope closely links the event of the Incarnation with the creation and the Trinity dogma. The Word that became flesh had existed since the beginning (the eternal Logos); the Incarnation is a consequence of the intra-Trinitarian relationship. Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God - this is the central Christological truth, whose gospel testimony is to be found in the words of Jesus Himself and in His prayer. Therefore, the event of the Incarnation is at the same time an event of revelation and salvation: Jesus is the real "place" of God's presence and the real "instrument of propitiation" - hilasterion. The historical singularity and the material limitation of Jesus of Nazareth's life as well as the consequent sacramental spirituality of the Church are, on the one hand, a manifestation of God's humility and, on the other, a guarantee of divine presence and the definiteness of salvation. The death and resurrection of the Son of God restores the original (created) meaning to the world and gives it the ultimate meaning, which man regains by participating in the Son's gesture - His relation to the Father.

autor: Szymik, J.
tytuł: Współczesne zadania teologii. Wizja J. Ratzingera / Benedykta XVI
Teologia w Polsce 4,1 (2010) 49-63          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: teologia systematycznametateologiazadania teologiiBenedykt XVIRatzinger, JosephXX wiek

Nella Chiesa e nella societa, la teologia e i teologi sono divenuti oggi un tema di rilevanza pubblica ed insieme di accesa discussione. Dal punto di vista Ratzinger/ Benedetto XVI, il fatto che qualcuno stabilisce quanto della "religione" l'uomo puo ragionevolmente accettare e che a questo scopo si avvale di testi o momenti della tradizione cristiana non basta perché si possa gia parlare a pieno titolo di "teologia". Questa nasce invece nel momento in cui l'arbitrio del pensiero si imbatte in un limite - perché facciamo esperienza di qualcosa che non abbiamo escogitato noi, bensi che ci e stato mostrato. Si tratta da un lato della collocazione accademica della teologia, dall'altro della modalita in cui si puo sostenere la tensione feconda tra magistero e teologia. La presenza della teologia nell'universita e un'eredita preziosa, che deve essere protetta - ma la domanda persiste: come la teologia puo e deve definire il suo 'luogo" scientifico e, con cio, anche istituzionale? In questa situazione, si impone con urgenza un dialogo che metta a tema la teologia e la chiarificazione dei suoi itinerari, del suo compito e dei suoi confini.

autor: Szymik, J.
tytuł: Teologia: sens i metoda. Konkluzja (projekt)
Teologia w Polsce 1,1 (2007) 11-14          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: teologiahermeneutykametodologiaMiędzynarodowa Komisja Teologiczna

autor: Szymik, J.
tytuł: Teologia w Polsce. Tożsamość, intuicje, perspektywy
Teologia w Polsce 2,1 (2008) 5-19          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: teologiametodologiahermeneutyka

Polnische Theologie wird hier als "Glaubenslehre" verstanden und dargestellt, d.h. als eine einzigartige Synthese von zwei Erkenntnisarten: der Vernunft- und Glaubenserkenntnis. Diese zwei Wege zur Enthüllung der Wahrheit werden untrennbar von der Theologie in ihren Ursprüngen (loci theologici), ihrem Forschungsverfahren und ihrer Sprache vereinigt, indem aus diesen zwei Wegen der eine, eigenartige gebildet wird, der zur Wahrheit hin führt. Theologie ist somit scientia sui generis als scientia fidei, denn zu ihrem Erkenntnisinstrumentarium gehören et ratio, et fides.
Johannes Paul II. lehrte (Częstochowa, 15. August 1991, Ansprache an die Theologen), dass die christliche Theologie im tiefsten Sinne "Wort Gottes selbst" ist, als Teilnahme an der "direkten" Ansprache Gottes und als Folge dieser Ansprache. "Direkt" sollte wortwörtlich verstanden werden - erklärte der Papst - d.h. "ohne Mittler", nicht mehr durch die Propheten, sondern durch den Sohn, der Abbild seines Wesens ist (vgl. Hebr 1,1-2). Und schlägt folgende Definition der Theologie vor: "Wort und Lehre, die aus dem Wort Gottes selbst entsprigen". Den Schlüssel zum Verständnis dieses Phänomens ist das Ereignis der Menschwerdung. Also in diesem Sinne kann die polnische Theologie auch Weisheitstheologie (Theologie, die die Weisheit vermittelt, beibringt und weise macht) sein: das Ziel der zu betreibenden Theologie als Wissenschaft und der Entwicklung aller theologischen Wissenschaften.
Sofern die Weisheit als eine wirksame Synthese von Gedanken und Leben und die Theologie als die das ganze menschliche Universum integrierende Weisheit betrachtet wird, ist zu ihrer schöpferischen Begegnung die pneumatologische Dimension der Sicht von scientiae fidei unentbehrlich. In ihrer tiefsten Dimension bleibt Theologie ein geistiger Prozess, der sich im Heiligen Geist vollzieht.
Es besteht ein unreduzierberes Verhältnis zwischen der existentiellen Bedeutung der erneuerten polnischen Theologie und ihrer dienenden Funktion gegenüber dem Prozess der Festigung der Hoffnung. Es ist eine direkt proportionale Beziehung: Je mehr die Theologie die Hoffnung festigt, desto besser dient sie dem Leben. Es handelt sich hier um die Hoffnung in der tiefsten, eschatologischen Perspektive, die für die "'absolute Zukunft', für Gott, den 'Hoffnungsgeber'" (Rz 15,13) offen ist. Jesus Christus ist unsere Hoffnung (Kol 1,27). In diesem Sinne, wenn wir für die Hoffnung arbeiten, offenbart die Theologie die tiefste Schicht ihrer Seele. Und am Ende: die Erneuerung der Theologie in Polen, ihre Entwicklung und Zukunft hängt vor allem davon ab, ob sie aus Liebe - als Quelle und Grundprinzip - betrieben wird.

autor: Walczak, M.
tytuł: Teologia sekularyzacji i teologia postsekularyzacyjna. Propozycje Harveya Coxa
Teologia w Polsce 8,2 (2014) 191-205          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: Cox, Harveysekularyzacja

Secularization appears to be one of the vital elements in modern theology. Its sense for understanding faith and Christian life is tremendous, thus it demands deep reflection. Changes that have occurred in culture during the last century have made it essential to consider a parameter of secularization as a part of modern theology. Harvey Cox's view includes both deep reflection upon secularization and post-secularization theology. He analyses the phenomenon of secularization from a theological perspective, placing his theology in a context of secularized world. The basic postulate for post-secularization theology is a relation between theological reflection and life and experience of different people and Christian communities.

autor: Warchoł, P.
tytuł: Teologio polska! Jaka byłaś? Jaka jesteś? Wybrane aspekty współczesnej teologii w Polsce
Teologia w Polsce 11,1 (2017) 83-106          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: teologiaPolska

Polish theology can't be understood without history and culture. They complete each other. Reflections of Polish theologians, who opened up to faith through the written word and testimony of life, resulted from Polish experience. There are many theologians of this kind, that is why only most significant were highlighted. The central value of Polish theology is the mistery of the Christ - crucified and resurrected, He who sheds the light on the nation's history. At the same time theology of liberation and freedom as well as theology of culture derived from theology of nation. To some extent also Polish personalism writes into it. Moreover, theology of Christ's heart and mercy are also known in Polish theology. That's because at the end of 18th century Poland celebrated the feast of God's Heart as the first nation in Europe and in 20th century celebrated the feast of God's Mercy. Holy Mary plays an important role in Polish spirituality. The worship of Holy Mary became the symbol and binder of the Poles community - ready at any time to fight and defend their faith in a similar way that the Polish Republic. That is why mariology refers to the history of nation and it opens to the thoughts connected with the works of Second Vatican Council. What is more, also ecumenism is connected with the history of Polish nation and it had a strong influence onto the people. Protestant - catholic and orthodox - catholic dialogues studied by contemporary theologists had their bases set up much earlier. There are other signs of Polish theology. Theologists further study the reality, basing on their universalism and openness, faithful to tradition and never dissenting from it.

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