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szukane wyrażenie: Moskałyk, J. | znaleziono 7 opisów(-y) | strona: 1 spośród: 1

autor: Moskałyk, J.
tytuł: Wartość chrześcijańskiej aporetyki
Teologia w Polsce 11,2 (2017) 33-44          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: wartość chrześcijańskiego życiawyobcowaniesolidarnośćwyznanie winyprzemienieniedoczesne szczęściezbawienie

The maturing process of the man in great measure is conditioned in struggling against different oppositions, which directly take back to his freedom. Therefore he is subjected often to the attempt to be found between the helplessness and freeing. And even though seemingly this situation has short-lived and transitional character, in fact it is extended on the entire life. Sometimes this state seems without the exit, but onlyawareness of his earthly dimension is freeing from the one-way allocation. If, however, we consider the possibility of the personal bond with the Christian faith, determined reality stops fear. The Christian faith gives a different view on all paradoxes and contradictions which are turning up in this world and have temporary consequences. Christian experience also gives courage, the perseverance and strength for surviving and defeating earthly oppositions.

autor: Moskałyk, J.
tytuł: Rola wschodniego katolicyzmu w optyce zjednoczenia chrześcijańskiego
Teologia w Polsce 10,1 (2016) 33-45          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: ekumenizmdialogwschodni katolicyzm

The historical role of the Eastern Catholicism causes still many contradictions and ambiguities. Like there is this objective reasons, which have completely different base than modern sometimes incredibly attempt to interpret the phenomenon. It must be emphasized that the main factor inspiring attention to the heritage of the Eastern Catholics in recent times is the Ecumenical dialogue in the field of Catholic-Orthodox. On the background of often to exchange views on the historical authenticity and effectiveness of a pragmatic of the Eastern Catholic. Provided here the fundamental method of action is directed on you will achieve real progress in the Catholic-Orthodox unification process, from here completely not by chance the so-called Uniate Church is surrendering to the specific judgement. This judgement assumes different shades and the different weight depending on the degree of employing pages in specific moments.

autor: Moskałyk, J.
tytuł: Sakrament a celebracja
Teologia w Polsce 8,2 (2014) 59-69          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: sakramentologiacelebracja

The sacraments of the Church are not only making manifest the victim of the Christ and the favour of the Holy Spirit, but are also calling for the man so that he assumes the positive attitude with regard to the act of their celebration. Since via the entire sacramental- ceremonious event the victim of the Christ is being updated still anew. Community faithful obtaining the participation in the salutary mystery play, receives the privilege of drawing from supernatural gifts. And along with him impulse towards the transformation of one's earthly activity into the actual value serving the good of the individual and the universal community. In sacraments and the celebration one purpose always becomes apparent, deprived any of the internal opposition and ruling out which consists in bringing the man closer to God. Apart from that carry occurring between two phenomena let overcome the indifference to true spiritual values.

autor: Moskałyk, J.
tytuł: Na drodze poznania wiary
Teologia w Polsce 6,2 (2012) 41-51          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: prawdaepistemologiawiararozum

Human personality is constantly providing an element of his spiritual life and absolute. This element is not the ordinary means and therefore may not be fully discovered, let alone eliminated. Only a gradual learn the intrinsic value of absolute faith in us makes the commitment and concern for the preservation of human identity. Then also there are an increasing longing to know the relationship with God, which is the sole and supreme cause any absolute value. Which the desire to know our personal relationship with the Creator may be followed by deeper personal and communal faith. This is the endless process, accompanied both the element symbol and the true worship.

autor: Moskałyk, J.
tytuł: Cyryla i Metodego dzieło chrystianizacji Słowian
Teologia w Polsce 5,2 (2011) 249-258          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: Cyryl i MetodychrystianizacjaSłowianie

The Cyril and Methodi us Work of the Slavs Christianization. Summary
Summing up this brief reflection on the work of Christianization done by the Saints Cyril and Methodius, let me once again refer to the intuition of F. Grivec, who observed that the Apostles of Slavs are the great spiritual patron saints of equal rights for all nations and the universal unity of the Church. This is why they fully deserve to be adored by both the Church of East Orthodox tradition and the Church of West tradition. What is more, the concern of their whole lives for the unity of Christians should one day connect the East and the West into the one Christian Family.

autor: Moskałyk, J.
tytuł: Znaczenie wschodniej symboliki cerkiewnej
Teologia w Polsce 4,2 (2010) 221-232          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: teologia wschoduliturgiaświątyniacerkiew

Structure of the iconographic decoration of the orthodox church makes the performance of the appropriate theological and symbolic canon, established for each of its parts and harmonizing with the active liturgical activity. The most important elements of the decoration, which dominate since XI century remain invariable and during few subsequent centuries have only been made more perfect. The end of XVII century has been assumed as the final period in which comprehensive iconographic vision of the orthodox church was shaped. The icon, as understood by the eastern theology, is the expression of charismatic consciousness of the Church as a whole in relation to the transcendental reality. It is not treated only as the work of the individual creative imagination, allowed only for the aesthetic experience of an individual, but as a value of the universal nature. Visible figure of the orthodox church and symbolic form its interior always make a full harmony.

autor: Moskałyk, J.
tytuł: Jubileuszowa wizyta patriarchy Bartłomieja I na Ukrainie
Teologia w Polsce 2,2 (2008) 345-356          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: prawosławieBartłomiej IUkraina

The visit of patriarch Bartholomew I in Ukraine in its entirety should be assessed as truly positive and fruitful. His relatively short stay among the Orthodox believers allowed them to restore new trust and hope for Patriarchate of Constantinople. The hierarch himself could better get to know mood and intentions of the local Christians. At the same time he could express those important words of reassurance: "The Mother-Church of Constantinople suffers together with the daughter - Ukrainian Church from dangerous divisions. (...) Thus, we are forced by invitation (prosklesis) to possibly quickly overcome the division which was the result of complexity of our time". In the patriarch's opinion, that is what we are forced to do by common baptism, which gathers us in one place and gives us possibility to participate in a common gathering around the Eucharist altar of God.

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