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szukane wyrażenie: Warzeszak, J. | znaleziono 5 opisów(-y) | strona: 1 spośród: 1

autor: Warzeszak, J.
tytuł: Benedict XVI's Participation in the Ecumenical Dialogue with the Orthodox Church
Teologia w Polsce 14,1 (2020) 69-88          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: Benedykt XVIdialog ekumenicznyekumenizmprawosławie

The author of this article presents the involvement of Benedict XVI in the ecumenical dialogue with the Eastern Orthodox Church as a whole based on speeches, declarations and homilies delivered to representatives of this Church. Undoubtedly, it is significant. As a pope, he encouraged this dialogue by his authority, fraternal treatment filled with friendship and love, meetings, communal prayer and teaching. He overcame various difficulties and contributing to the progress of this dialogue. He emphasized joint theological research, because without the unity of faith there is no complete and visible unity. As always - as the theologian and as the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - he taught that common celebration of the Eucharist could take place only in full unity: when will it happen? It is God's gift for which we have to pray and work at the same time: to evangelize together, to resist ideologies hostile to Christianity and humanity, to care for peace and justice among Christians and followers of other religions, and to cooperate in charitable work for the poor, the sick and the needy.Ü«

autor: Warzeszak, J.
tytuł: Chrześcijańskie korzenie Europy w ujęciu Benedykta XVI
Teologia w Polsce 15,1 (2021) 59-105          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: Benedykt XVIEuropachrześcijaństwo

Autor artykułu, wykorzystując teksty przemówień, które Benedykt XVI kierował do Europejczyków podczas swego pontyfikatu, starał się ukazać, jaki wkład wniosło chrześcijaństwo, a zwłaszcza Kościół katolicki w budowę cywilizacji europejskiej. Otóż - według papieża - chrześcijaństwo przyniosło przede wszystkim religię monoteistyczną - objawioną wiarę w Boga w Trójcy Osób, a wyeliminowało politeizm i bałwochwalstwo; wniosło religię racjonalną, a uwolniło od irracjonalnych mitów i zabobonów; wniosło kulturę słowa, a przez wieki likwidowało analfabetyzm; wprowadziło ethos pracy, rozwinęło kulturę artystyczną: muzyczną, teatralną i malarską, powołało dzieła miłosierdzia, ukształtowało tożsamość narodów oraz tożsamość Europy. Autor przedstawił też oceny papieża odnośnie do sytuacji politycznej, społecznej i ideologicznej we współczesnej Europie oraz jego opinie w kwestii jej zjednoczenia, uwzględniające plusy i minusy tego procesu, jak: zapewnienie pokoju na kontynencie i w świecie, rozwój gospodarczy i cywilizacyjny, dążenie do jedności, a nie do jednolitości; zdrową świeckość i poszanowanie autonomii Kościoła. Uwzględnił wreszcie wezwania, aby podstawą pomyślnej przyszłości Europy stało się respektowanie wartości uniwersalnych i chrześcijańskich. Chrześcijaństwo służy bowiem "oczyszczaniu rozumu", przyczynia się do formowania sumień i kształtowania humanizmu integralnego, a cześć oddawana Bogu oznacza zarazem troskę o człowieka.

autor: Warzeszak, J.
tytuł: Teologia modlitw maryjnych Jana Pawła II
Teologia w Polsce 15,2 (2021) 33-79          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: mariologiaJan Paweł IImodlitwasanktuarium maryjnezawierzenie

The author of this article analyzes the theology present in several dozen Marian prayers that John Paul II prayed in Rome, Italy and in various Marian shrines around the world. The author points out that a specific Mariology has been preserved in them; on one hand, very theologically rigorous, based on biblical and theological foundations, and on the other hand, tinged with love, piety and childlike devotion. All Mariological dogmas are recalled, although God's motherhood and motherhood towards the Church are most frequently invoked. It is therefore a wellfounded Mariology, though not abstract, distant from human being, but one that motivates action, prayer, contemplation, moral and pastoral effort, and filial love for the heavenly Mother. It is also Mariology practiced in a way in the context of experienced matters and problems, and therefore extremely existential, as evidenced by the requests addressed to “our Mother" for support in life's difficulties. The entrustments made by the pope in various shrines or in front of the icons or statues of the Mother of God were undoubtedly intended to leave the local people under the protection of the Mother of God. They also had educational significance: they taught to pray to Our Lady, to call upon Her help, to ignite among the people love for Her. It is not necessary to show how his Marian attitude had a profound effect on Marian devotion in the universal Church and in every local Church he visited.

autor: Warzeszak, J.
tytuł: Teologia modlitw maryjnych papieża Franciszka
Teologia w Polsce 16,1 (2022) 25-66          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: mariologiaFranciszekmodlitwa

The author of the article presents the content of more than twenty prayers of Pope Francis addressed to Our Lady in various Shrines dedicated to Her. The Holy Father honors Mary in them, using her various, strictly theological titles: (Immaculate Mother, Holy Virgin, Mother of God, Mother of Jesus), or those that he himself has formed: (Mother of silence, beauty, tenderness, Woman of decisions, actions, our Mother). At the same time, he shows who in fact Mary is for him as well as for the faithful. Pope Francis' zeal with which he pleads with the “Mother of the Afflicted" seems particularly striking. He begs Our Lady so that She would intercede with the merciful God and with her Son, the Redeemer on behalf of individual statuses of the People of God, especially for those suffering in spirit because of sin and in the body, i.e. for the victims of injustice, for the poor, the sick and the persecuted. This means that Pope Francis managed to code in his prayers a profound Mariology that manifests itself in a living Marian devotion.

autor: Warzeszak, J.
tytuł: Teologiczno-uniwersalna misja muzyki i śpiewu w ujęciu Jana Pawła II
Teologia w Polsce 16,2 (2022) 65-110          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: muzykakulturaJan Paweł II

The author of this article presented a large chapter of John Paul II thoughts on instrumental and vocal music based on his speeches delivered after the music concerts dedicated to him, a domain not always perceived by the journalists. Combined together they reveal his abundant teaching on this area of European and Christian culture. The personal bond of the Pope with this area of creativity has been highlighted, and in a special way with the participation of Poles in it. The Christian inspirations of the greatest works of world music has been emphasized. The leitmotif of the papal speeches was the mission that both, instrumental and vocal music has to fulfill in the Church and in the world. This mission has the universal, theological and ecclesial character. They are not separated, but closely connected. In his speeches to the youth, the Pope almost always paid attention to the task of professional improvement, but also of integral human, cultural and religious formation. The music lifts the spirit to what transcends earthly existence. Through the harmony of music notes and dialogue with the instruments, the music leads to contemplation of the beauty of God and His adoration.

strona: 1 spośród: 1

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